Term 1, Week 10 2023

Dear Families
Welcome to Week 10 and the final newsletter for Term 1.
Throughout the course of Term 1, we have worked in partnership to Inspire hearts and minds to be the best we can be, providing a learning community of excellence for every student at Dominican. Our journey is ongoing in our shared commitment to support our students to be thriving people, capable learners and leaders for God’s world. As we approach the end of the term, we have much to be proud of, to celebrate and to look forward to…
As we celebrate Holy Week, the most important week in our Church year, we journey with Jesus in prayer and reflection to celebrate his life, death and resurrection. At Dominican, we honour this sacred time to gather in faith as a school community to commemorate Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Special thanks to Martina Kovacev, teachers and students for leading us in our liturgies over the course of the week, and to you our families for joining us to share in these significant celebrations.
Preparations for our Sports Day next Thursday April 13 are ramping up and we look forward to a successful day at the Port Adelaide Athletics Club. Our Sports Day is always a positive school event and a wonderful example of our community in action to be the best we can be. I would like to acknowledge and thank Dayna Martin our Acting Sports Coordinator, the Sports Day Committee, our Student Sports Captains and Vice Captains, and our whole staff for their time, effort and energy in ensuring an amazing day for our young people, filled with fun, participation and teamwork. I look forward to seeing you there.
I take this opportunity to thank our P&F and parent volunteers for their valued contributions to making our Sports Day a success. From assisting on the BBQ, to placing and handing out ribbons for races, and assisting teachers with tabloid events, your service is greatly appreciated. This year our Parents & Friends is coordinated by our dynamic Executive Committee, Katy Tatrai, Chloe Hamilton and Vanessa Blute, and is assisted by a dedicated and generous group of parent volunteers. I thank the P&F for their support with Breakfast Club, Ice Block Thursdays, and many school events including Shrove Tuesday Pancake Morning Tea, Hot Cross Bun Lunch, Easter Raffle, and Sports Day Sausage Sizzle. All parents are warmly invited to join the P&F or get involved in supporting events. Please register your interest at the Front Office.
Thank you for making it a priority to attend Learning Conversations last week with your children. I know you will agree that these discussions provided a valuable opportunity to converse about your child’s progress including achievements, successes and areas for growth. As we head into Term 2, teachers will continue to reflect on progress data and plan for teaching, learning and assessment that ensures best outcomes for students. This year, all Catholic Primary Schools in SA will begin to use the SEQTA Learning Management System as the platform for reporting student progress to parents, including end of semester reports. More information regarding assessment and reporting will follow in Term 2.
Term 1 has been a time of significant learning for our students through the commitment of their teachers who focus on aligning their practice with cognitive science. As a staff, we have been particularly focussed on implementing the Science of Reading and its evidence-based practices to improve literacy outcomes. I am always impressed with the teaching pedagogies I observe in my classroom visits and with the focus and engagement of all learners in this process. My thanks to our Pedagogical Coach, Nick Ryan for his leadership in this area.
Next Wednesday April 12 we will gather as a community to farewell Phil Holmes, our Principal for the past two and a half years. This will be an important time for us to thank Phil for his outstanding leadership and the significant contributions he has made to the life of our school community. We look forward to acknowledging and celebrating Phil’s achievements and wishing him all the very best in his future endeavours. I hope you can join us!
As the term draws to a close, I extend sincere thanks to all students, families and staff for our shared partnership in ensuring that Dominican School continues to be a place of excellence in faith, learning and wellbeing. I wish you well for a safe and enjoyable term break. The last day of the school term is next Thursday April 13, and I look forward to seeing all students return on Monday May 1, dressed in full winter uniform and ready for the commencement of Term 2.
God bless.
Alison Tanti-Clark

Last week we were fortunate enough to have a special visit from Fr Roderick, who went to all Reception to Year 6 classes, to share his wisdom and understanding. It was a great opportunity for our students to ask Fr Roderick questions about our Catholic faith and Church as well as joining together in singing some beautiful songs. Holy Week, Easter and Parts of the Mass were the main topics discussed, although there were also some important questions around how Fr Roderick gets changed into his vestments so quickly! We thank Fr Roderick for his time and for guiding us in faith and love.
This week is Holy Week, the most important week in our Church year. It is the time when we remember and celebrate the last days of Jesus’ life, before his death and resurrection. We recall and honour the rich and powerful gospel stories that take us from Jesus being welcomed into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday; to the sharing of bread and wine with his disciples at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday; to Jesus’ suffering on his way to the cross and his crucifixion on Good Friday; and finally to his joyous resurrection on Easter Sunday.
As a school community, we will celebrate these significant events by sharing in this story through prayer, reflection and action with Holy Week Liturgies:
On Tuesday 4th April our Reception classes will lead us in a Palm Sunday Liturgy.
On Wednesday 5th April our Year 1/2 classes will lead us in a Holy Thursday Liturgy.
On Thursday 6th April our Year 3/4 classes will share in a Good Friday Liturgy
On Tuesday 11th April our Year 5/6 classes will lead us in an Easter Liturgy
Our liturgies will occur in the Multi-Function Centre at 9.00am. All families are warmly invited to attend.
As we continue on our Lenten journey to Easter, we are reminded to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God. Our support of Project Compassion is one way of putting our faith in action to support the most vulnerable in our world now and ‘for all future generations.’ Thank you for your generosity in donating to this year’s appeal.
It would be much appreciated if all Project Compassion boxes are returned to the Front Office by Tuesday 11th April.
*Please see side menu for dates and times of our Parish Holy Week Celebrations*
We thank our loving God for the gift of His Son Jesus, through his death and resurrection we have received new life. May our Risen Christ inspire us to be truly Gospel people bringing the love of Jesus to all.
Wishing you and your families all the blessings of a joyous Easter filled with love, peace and hope.
Martina Kovacev

Please see our website for information regarding Child Safe Environments. The safety and wellbeing of our students is of utmost importance. We are committed to implementing child safe practices including the Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum. We draw your attention to the Safe Environments for All link to access Child Protection policies including the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy of our Adelaide Archdiocese.

In Japanese this term our Reception students have been learning about Japanese culture and foods. They have been busy making Origami papercraft as well as making and tasting Japanese Rice balls.
Mayumi Wong

CONGRATULATIONS to the following recipients of our Dominican Pillar Certificates for Week 9:
Vaydah T
Archie W, Mabel M, Patrick W, Lenny J, Violet S, Katie K, Jackson H, Kyan J, Sofia Z, Abigail S, Marley G
Evie M, Autumn M, Elijah W
Ripley C

Burnside Swimming Centre was the scene, despite the rain, of the annual SACPSSA Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival, held on Monday 27th March. We had 17 swimmers from Year 3-6, who put on a very exciting and entertaining day for us. They showed great sportsmanship, courage and determination throughout the day.
Congratulations to all competitors! We are incredibly proud of you!
On Tuesday, 28th March, we attended the Port SAPSASA Athletics Carnival at the Port Adelaide Athletics Club. There were 13 schools participating, with over 350 students competing! From Dominican School, we had 29 athletes compete. The enthusiasm and participation from our students was outstanding. Overall, Dominican school came 2nd place in their division. Well done to all the students on their fantastic effort.
Many thanks to our parent volunteers that who gave their time to assist with duties at the carnival. Your efforts were a valuable contribution to the success of the day.
Congratulations to following students for their selection in SAPSASA Representatives teams:
Shea for his selection in the SAPSASA State Softball Carnival for Port/Western region.
Autumn, Iris, Alyssa, Jaeda, Grace, Shea, Sofia, Sierra and Remmie for making the SAPSASA State Swimming Championships when they compete in May.
Dayna Martin
