Term 3, Week 8 2023

Dear Parents/Caregiver,
This term has been extremely busy, with so many rich learning experiences, ranging from inquiry units of work, incursions, excursions, guest artists, sports carnivals and much more. We are very fortunate to have such dedicated teachers, who plan for and provide each and every student with such amazing learning opportunities.
This semester, Dominican is implementing a new Positive Bahaviour Framework that is proactive and supports students in knowing the expectations required to be able to ‘be the best they can be’, both socially, emotionally and academically.
Many kids struggle with behaviour in school. When schools react only with punishment, students don’t learn the skills they need to improve. That’s where positive behavioural interventions and supports (PBIS) comes in.
PBIS is a proactive approach schools use to improve school safety and promote positive behaviour. The focus of PBIS is prevention, not punishment.
With PBIS, schools teach students positive behaviour strategies, just as they would teach about any other subject. All students learn about positive behaviour.
PBIS recognises that students can only meet behaviour expectations if they know what the expectations are. Everyone learns what’s considered appropriate behaviour, and they use a common language to talk about it.
According to research, PBIS leads to improved student behaviour, they also thrive academically, and there’s evidence to show that PBIS leads to less bullying.
This initiative will be a whole school approach, and as such we want to ensure the voices of all stakeholders and listened to and heard- students, parents, teachers, and the wider Dominican community. Further information about PBIS will be shared throughout the coming weeks with the community, so please keep an eye out for this.
We are pleased to inform you that there will be no increase in school fees for the 2024 school year.
Dr Neil McGoran, Executive Director of Catholic Education SA has announced that CESA will freeze tuition fees at its 84 Diocesan schools for the 2024 school year. This is in recognition of the cost-of-living increases which are putting significant financial pressures on families.
The fee freeze has been made possible by growth in enrolments across the State in our 101 Catholic Schools, together with prudent financial management and will not impact the quality of education. CESA is committed to keeping school fees as low as possible to ensure a Catholic education is affordable and accessible to all.
Further fee remissions are available to those who are experiencing financial difficulties. Families should contact our Finance Officer, Jo Freer, for more information.
Just a reminder about the importance of adhering to the drop-off and pick-up signs on Dunn Street, as student safety is of the upmost importance. We have been informed by the council that they will be doing some spot checks in the area.
In Week 7, all our Year 6 leaders were invited to a Japanese cultural dinner at the Nagomi Japanese Restaurant. The students got to experience a traditional Japanese Bento, which consisted of a variety of Japanese foods, including teriyaki chicken, tempura, sushi and rice. This was a great experience and the students enjoyed the cultural experience. They all very quickly learnt how to use chop sticks and had a lot of fun doing so. Thank you to Mayumi Wong and the year 6 teachers for organising and supporting this cultural night.

With the warmer weather fast approaching, students are allowed to wear their correct summer uniform to school for the remainder of the term. It also means that hats must be worn when outside. If students forget their hats, they must play in the under-croft area. It is also recommended that students apply sunscreen before coming to school each morning. Hats can be purchased from the front office.

In the last weeks of Term 3, let us look within to find ways to show kindness and compassion as well as ways that we can make a difference in the lives of others.
Many blessings,
Angela Scodella

This term our staff are preparing and sharing in a Hot Soup Lunch once a week to support the Hutt St Centre for the homeless. Staff roster themselves on to provide pots of soup for us to enjoy at lunchtime, and all who partake are invited to contribute a gold coin donation. To date we have raised $60 for the Hutt St Centre. This money will go towards… providing a hot breakfast and lunch for two weeks for a person doing it tough, and providing a hot shower, laundry service and locker for 3 months for a person sleeping rough. This initiative is a lovely time for us to gather and share a meal together as a staff, and to unite in faith to provide outreach to those in need. Our Catholic way is to live with love and justice. This is just one example of our staff putting our faith in action at Dominican.
A little giving goes a long way… Charity is at the heart of living Catholic and each September we celebrate Catholic Charities month. Catholic Charities is our South Australian organisation that provides support to agencies making a difference to the lives of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community, including Our Lady of La Vang and St Patrick’s Special Schools, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, SA, Centacare Catholic Family Services, and the Hutt Street Centre.
On Thursday September 28, our Justice Leaders will be holding a FOOTY COLOURS & CUPCAKE DAY to fundraise for the Appeal. Please see the 2023 Catholic Charities Flyer. Students are invited to wear their sports uniform with their favourite footy team colours for a gold coin donation, and enjoy a cupcake for $3.50. Special thanks to the P&F for their help with organising cupcakes for our students on this day. Orders and payment for cupcakes are via Qkr by 8pm Monday 25 September and gold coin donations can be brought in on the day. THANK YOU in advance to all students, families and staff for your generous support to help those in need.
Alison Tanti-Clark

On Tuesday 5th September, Mrs Scodella, Lachlan and I went to the Catholic Charities Thanksgiving Mass at St Francis Xavier Cathedral. First, we attended Mass and it was lovely seeing all of the other schools there and to see Lachlan read one of the prayers of the faithful. After Mass we attended the Expo, where presenters talked about some myths about homelessness and how we, as students, can help others. They also talked about the different services Catholic Charities offer and provide people who are experiencing homelessness. The two services that presented were Hutt Street Centre and Centacare. Here at Dominican we do a lot to support Catholic Charities and it was a wonderful opportunity to see where all our money raised goes to. It's important that we continue to raise awareness as well as funds to support those in our community who are not as fortunate as us.
McKinley G

In Reception Nofi, we have been learning about subtraction. We hid different locks around the classroom. We then used the different keys to solve the subtraction sums and open the locks.
Julia Nofi

We congratulate the following Dominican Award Certificate recipients for Week 8, Term 3 for demonstrating our pillars of Prayer, Study, Community or Ministry in their learning.
Awarded to Olivia RN, Patrick RS, Henry D 1/2AB, Alec 1/2AB, Alex 1/2D, Samuel 1/2D, Parker 3/4S, Sarah 5/6K, Isabella 5/6K, Eli 5/6OK and Hazel 5/6OK for working hard and showing resilience, persistence and a growth mindset in their studies.
Awarded to Tristan 3/4S for showing bravery and kindness to make new friends and settle into our Dominican Community.
Awarded to Lenny RN, Harlow RS, Lincoln 3/4L, Jacob 3/4L for being kind, supportive and respectful of peers and showing reverence in class prayer and Mass.

Eco-Warriors for 2 weeks in a row are our "superheroes'' in class 1/2AB who have been our champions at reducing waste in the classroom and our whole school environment. They have some great tips on how to prepare your lunchbox:
- If you have an apple - remove the sticker and cut it up into small pieces
- Don't wrap your sandwich - put it straight into your lunchbox!
- Use lunchboxes with lots of compartments (like BBox)
- Use wax wrappers! They come in different sizes and you wrap your food then take them home, clean them and use them again the next day.
- Bring your yoghurt in a cup you can take home - don't use the squeeze packs. It's great because you can dip your fruit in it!
- Keep your lunch cool with an ice-pack!
- Buy in bulk - don't buy prepacked small packets of chips and popcorn.
If we all follow these tips, as a community we can make a huge impact to reduce waste in our school community.

Congratulations to Jaeda on her participation in the SAPSASA Metro and State championships on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th September. Despite the terrible wintery weather, Jaeda tied for 7th place in the metro championships and finished 22nd in the State Championships from 120+ competitors.
Amazing efforts Jaeda!

On Tuesday 12 September 48 students took part in the Port SAPSASA Cross Country Carnival at Point Malcolm Reserve, Semaphore Park. The 2km course took in the local reserve and beach and our students finished the day with some spectacular results including:
- Under 10 Girls Division 2 Pennant
- Under 11 Girls Division 2 Pennant
- Under 11 Boys Division 2 Pennant
Congratulations to everyone for their outstanding efforts, and special mention to the following ribbon and medal winners:
Remmie - 1st place, Under 12 Girls, Division 1
Maverick - 1st place, Under 12 Boys, Division 1
Harrison - 2nd place, Under 12 Boys, Division 2
Elijah - 3rd place, Under 12 Boys, Division 2
Isabella - 1st place, Under 11 Girls, Division 2
Jaeda - 4th place, Under 11 Girls, Division 2
Imogen - 1st place, Under 10 Girls, Division 2
Kyan - 3rd place, Under 10 Boys, Division 2
Brooklyn - 1st place, Under 9 Girls, Division 2
Thank you for our parent volunteers for their wonderful support throughout the day.
Martina Kovacev
