Term 3, Week 8 2021
Dear Community Members
Welcome to Week 8!
COVID restrictions
Each day I receive guidance and directions from the Catholic Education Office SA and SA Health regarding COVID updates and information. As a result, we are still required to restrict the number of adults onsite each day. I am incredibly grateful to our parent community and the wider Dominican community for your ongoing understanding and support at this time.
We still have many challenges to face as we plan for Term 4 events, and we will endeavour to make decisions that keep our community safe but at the same time provide successful and enjoyable learning experiences for all of our students.
Child Protection and Safety
I bring to your attention 3 key documents in relation to Child Protection and Safety and invite you to familiarise yourselves with them.Please contact me any time if you have anything you would like to discuss.
Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum
Cybersafety: Keeping Children Safe in a Connected World
Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
Teaching and Learning
Thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires remains a priority for all our students here at Dominican through the CESA Living Learning Leading Framework.
Our teachers are committed educators who strive each day to ensure quality teaching and learning for the students in their care. Our involvement in the IDEAS project will further enhance our whole school vision for learning as well as the work of our School Quality Performance Team (SQPT).
Complimenting this is the work of our Pedagogical Coach, Nick Ryan who has been instrumental in initiating intervention programs across the school with over 30 students now participating from Reception to Year 6. Our Pupil Free day on Monday 20 September will be a further opportunity to explore and enhance these projects as we strive to achieve new levels of excellence here at Dominican.
Have a great week!
Kind regards
Phil Holmes

Child Protection Week
This week we celebrate National Child Protection Week on the theme EVERY CHILD, IN EVERY COMMUNITY NEEDS A FAIR GO, culminating with our Church’s Child Protection Sunday on September 12. This initiative presents us with the opportunity to focus on our shared commitment of working together to keep children safe.
The National Child Protection Week theme prioritises the safety and wellbeing of children. To treat all children fairly, we need to make sure every family and community has what kids need to thrive and be healthy. The following link provides access to a range of webinars centred on this year’s theme: https://www.napcan.org.au/ncpw-webinars-2021/
May our gracious God hold in loving care every child in every community. We pray for the safety and protection of all children.
Family Faith Formation Sacramental Programme 2021/22
This programme is a series of family gatherings to prepare children of at least 8 years of age to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion. It also equips parents and care-givers to support their child in their faith journey.
The 2021/22 programme will commence in October, with opportunities for families to meet individually with Sr Marie (Sacramental Co-Ordinator) beforehand to learn more about the programme and to assist in discerning your child’s readiness to undertake this important step.
You are invited to make an appointment by phoning Sr Marie on 0409 078 683 or emailing her on familyfaith@catholicparishes.com.au
Catholic Charities Appeal
A little giving goes a long way… Charity is at the heart of living Catholic and each September we celebrate Catholic Charities month. Catholic Charities is our South Australian organisation that provides support to agencies making a difference to the lives of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community, including Our Lady of La Vang and St Patrick’s Special Schools, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, SA Catholic Deaf Association, Centacare Catholic Family Services, and the Hutt St Centre. Our Justice Leaders will be raising awareness of Catholic Charities with our students and holding a whole school event in the last week of term to fundraise to help those in need in our own backyard.
Alison Tanti-Clark
Assistant Principal Religious Identity & Mission

In Year 4 STEM we are exploring Minecraft Education; a game-based learning platform that builds STEM skills, fosters creativity, and engages students in collaboration. For this 30-minute team challenge our Learning Intention was to construct a waterslide for adults and children to enjoy.
Students had 5 minutes to draw and plan as a team, then worked as a relay team each building part of their waterslide. Students then shared their waterslides with other teams and offered feedback.

Q. How can I keep track of my Qkr! payments?
A. Itemised Qkr! eReceipts provide a record of purchase and are a convenient way to keep track of your Qkr! payments.
To view your eReceipts:
1. Open Qkr! and tap 'Activity'.
2. Scroll down to 'Order History' and tap 'Receipt' to view eReceipts.
Q. How can I look up details from Forms already submitted?
A. All forms previously completed are saved as a convenient way to keep track of details of upcoming events.
To view your Forms:
1. Open Qkr! and tap 'Dominican School'.
2. Select ‘My Forms' and tap 'Forms' to view eForms.
Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge that we are on the traditional country of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.
Approved by Kaurna Elder Uncle Lewis O’Brian 2004
Important Dates
Principals Tour 10am
School Board Meeting 6:30pm
SAPSASA Cross Country Carnival
Pupil Free Day
R-5 Swimming Week
School Photos
Currently available via Qkr!

- School Fees
- OSHC Payments
- Lunch Orders (Mon & Fri)
- Uniform
- Quiz Night Tickets
- Girls Football Carnival
- SAPSASA Cross Country
Uniform Shop

The summer uniform is to be worn in Term 4. As per the Dominican School Uniform Policy the following is to be worn:
Formal Uniform – Summer
- Mid blue check, short sleeved dress; or
- Navy culottes with blue banded short sleeve shirt; or
- Grey shorts with blue banded short sleeve shirt.
- Navy blue woollen jumper with school emblem; or
- Navy school jacket.
- Black formal school shoes worn with white socks (for dress and culottes); or
- Black formal school shoes worn with grey socks (for grey shorts); or
- Brown sandals without socks.
Sports Uniform – Summer and Winter
- Navy embroidered shorts; or
- Navy embroidered tracksuit pants.
- With navy/gold striped short-sleeved polo; or
- Navy/gold striped long sleeved polo.
- Navy school jacket.
- Sports shoes with white socks (covering ankle).
School Hats
When outside, students must wear the blue Dominican School hat in Terms 1 and 4.
Orders and payments can be made via the QKR! App or in person on Tuesdays 8.30 – 10.30am and 2.30 – 4.30pm.
