Term 3, Week 4 2021
Dear Community Members
A warm welcome to Week 4!
This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Open Week. We were featured this week on the CESA Facebook Page. Some of our students were pictured with the Director of Catholic Education Dr Neil McGoran on his recent visit to Dominican School. This week is a time for all of us to be proud to be a part of a Catholic School community where we develop thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires. (Living Learning Leading Framework CESA) I encourage you to have a look at the Facebook post and I draw your attention to Dr Neil McGorans’ message;
“There is a space and a place and an approach for every young person in South Australia whose parents would like them to have a Catholic education,” Dr McGoran says. “Our job for the next 200 years is to ensure that’s the lived experience for all.”
This week the School Board had their first online Board Meeting using MS teams. At this meeting further details about our Master Plan were shared and discussed. Over the coming weeks I will be sharing elements of the Master Plan more widely in the community and I welcome your feedback at any time.
Breakfast Club- Volunteer
One of the many rich traditions that we have here at Dominican School is our Breakfast Club. Each morning our community volunteers prepare a variety of healthy breakfast options for all students should they wish to have something to eat before the school day commences. This is such a successful program and it is loved and welcomed within our school community. If you would like to volunteer one morning a week then please contact the front office. Everyone is welcome to be a part of our Breakfast Club!
Scholastic Book Club- Volunteer
As you would be aware at various times throughout the year we distribute the Scholastic Book Club catalogue to all families where students can purchase a variety of books. I would like to thank Vanessa Blute for volunteering her time to coordinate these orders over the past few years. If you would like to volunteer a small amount of time to continue the great work of Vanessa please contact the front office.
Quiz Night
Unfortunately our upcoming Quiz Night will need to be postponed until further notice due to new COVID restrictions. We are still looking for a Quiz Master so if you think you have the skills to do this important job please let me know! We will announce a new date in the next edition of the newsletter.
It is a privilege to lead our Dominican School each day as Principal. When I am meeting with new families during School Tours and Enrolment Interviews, my message is a simple one - At Dominican School every child matters and they matter absolutely.
Let’s continue to strive as a community to make Dominican School the best it can be in all aspects of school life.
Have a great week!
Kind regards
Phil Holmes, PRINCIPAL
As we celebrate Catholic Schools Open Week, we are reminded of our shared commitment to RAISE HEARTS AND MINDS at Dominican.
Living in the spirit of St Dominic
Many thanks for your generous support of the Sophia Centre established by the Dominican Sisters to work for justice in the world. We are very grateful to all students, families and staff for contributing gold coin donations on St Dominic’s Day. We raised a total of $244 which will be forwarded on to Sophia to support their work in providing English Classes for Refugee Women and a child-minding service for their children. The Dominican Way is to live with love and in the spirit of Dominic, we are inspired to put our faith in action. Our Dominican School community is always so generous in giving to those in need and we thank you for your continued support.
I’ve left you an example of how you should serve and take care of those who are in need. For we must always cherish the words of our Lord Jesus, who taught, ‘Giving brings a far greater blessing than receiving.’ (Acts 20:35)
Raising hearts & minds to the wonder & awe of God's creation
During Catholic Education Week, our Reception to Year 6 students were involved in creating designs of how our school raises hearts and minds to the wonder and awe of God through creation. Congratulations to Lois, Katie, Oliver, Isabella and Sanna, whose artworks have been selected for inclusion in the Raising Hearts and Minds Exhibition at the Catholic Education Office.

The Assumption Of Mary
On Friday we will celebrate the FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY, a holy day that commemorates God taking Mary to glory in heaven. As a Catholic school community, this is a special time for us to pray and give thanks for Mary, the mother of Jesus, the mother of our Church and the mother of us all. To honour Mary on this holy day, our R-6 students and staff will gather for class liturgies. This is a day of great celebration as we rejoice in the life of our blessed mother Mary, a woman of great faith and love who believed and trusted in God.
Alison Tanti-Clark
Assistant Principal Religious Identity & Mission

As part of our St Dominic’s Day we participated in class liturgy, creating VIP cards for loved ones in our lives and creating art based on our Pillars of Study, Prayer, Ministry and Study. The part of the Gospel reading we reflected on and discussed was from the letter of St Paul to the Colossians (3:14) Above all, love one other for if you have love you have everything.
It is really important we recognise all of the good things St Dominic did in his lifetime and that we continue to spread the Word of God- Brianna Hallion.
We wear black and white to represent St Dominic, we follow his footsteps through being good people and being truthful and kind to all- Lilly Andrews.
St Dominic’s day is important because he is a role model for all, children and adults, and so we can all live like Jesus- Caitlin Holmes.

Families are kindly asked to contact the school office by 9.30am if your child will be absent or late.
Please leave the students name, class and the reason for the student’s absence.
You can do this by:
- Phoning 8114 3600 (select option 1 and leave a message)
- Emailing absent@dominican.catholic.edu.au
We acknowledge that we are on the traditional country of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.
Approved by Kaurna Elder Uncle Lewis O’Brian 2004
Important Dates
Assumption of Mary
P&F Meeting 5pm
Book Week
Book Week Parade
Yr6 Nagomi Japanese Kitchen Dinner
Principals Tour 10am
School Board Meeting 6:30pm
SAPSASA Cross Country Carnival
Pupil Free Day
School Photos
Currently available via Qkr!

- School Fees
- OSHC Payments
- Lunch Orders (Mon & Fri)
- Uniform
- Year 6 Japanese Dinner
Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Hours
Tuesdays from 8.30 to 10.30am and 2.30 to 4.30pm.
Orders and payments can be made via QKR, in person and via email. Email orders can be placed at ushop@dominican.catholic.edu.au and these are processed on Tuesdays.